
Do you know what’s best for your animals?

(Please note: This is a demo calculator, info herein is for test purposes only and is not an actual reflection. The purpose is to demo offline functionality )

Production cycle of ewe
Merino, Dormer, Ile de France Sheep Fattening Rations
Dorper Sheep Fattening Rations
  1. Ensure that a complete vaccination program is followed to prevent pulpy kidney, pasteurella etc.
  2. Deworm with an effective deworming agent.
  3. Grind the roughage with a 12 mm sieve to ensure sufficient intake.
  4. If the lambs have been transported over a long distance, provide only water and roughage on the first day.
  5. Adapt the lambs to the following diet:
    * Day 1 and 2: Provide complete feed at 1% of body weight.
    * Day 3 and 4: Provide complete feed at 1,5% of body weight.
    * Day 5 and 6: Provide complete feed at 2% of body weight.
    * Day 7 and 8: Provide complete feed at 2,5% of body weight.
    *Day 9 and 10: Provide complete feed at 3% of body weight.
  6. After the adaptation phase, the lamb is properly adapted to the new diet and only the complete feed needs to be provided. The extra roughage that was provided at the start of the adaptation phase may be removed.