MOLATEK Melassemeel bevorder optimale produksie

MOLATEK Melassemeel bevorder optimale produksie

Melasse het ’n sinergistiese werking in vee se rumen. RCL Foods seveevoerafdeling gee wenke oor hoe om melassemeel doeltreffend te gebruik.   Die insluiting van Molatek-melassemeel teen die korrekte hoeveelhede in rantsoene sal optimale diereproduksieprestasie...
Molatek helps to save the sheep with drought relief

Molatek helps to save the sheep with drought relief

Molatek helps to save the sheep with drought relief The Karoo, a region synonymous with livestock farming for producing wool, meat and mohair, is currently experiencing its worst drought in the last 220 years. Because of the wide-reaching impacts of the drought, many...

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