Building the future
Building the future
From The Blog
The importance of cow productivity in beef cattle
In beef cattle, cow productivity can be measured as kg per calf weaned per large stock unit mated. (KgC/LSU). Implementing an effective replacement heifer program may be a big challenge for beef cattle farmers and is a challenge that needs to be addressed.
Age of heifers at first calving
In beef cattle, cow productivity can be measured as kg per calf weaned per large stock unit mated. (KgC/LSU). Implementing an effective replacement heifer program may be a big challenge for beef cattle farmers and is a challenge that needs to be addressed.
Sheep Management on pastures
Natural pastures, South Africa’s largest crop, should no longer be taken for granted. Correct management, including using scientifically controlled grazing, avoiding overgrazing by both domestic livestock and wild game, and using supplemental feeding, can improve most grazing areas.
Navigating Lambing Systems for Optimal Results
The agriculture industry continually seeks to maximize livestock production in the pursuit of optimizing production systems for efficiency and economic viability.
Feeding Bulls during dry winter months
Cattle farmers, and especially stud farmers, will want to ensure that their bull herd maintains condition and health throughout the winter months to ensure optimal body condition and fertility once the mating season starts again in spring and summer.
5 keys to Colostrum Success in Baby Goats
Colostrum, the first milk a doe produces after she gives birth, is key to giving baby goats a healthy start. Here are 5 tips to ensure success with colostrum in baby goats.
Vul protein in die winter aan en verbeter kondisie
Molatek Dryveld 46 is 'n ekonomiese winterlekaanvulling vir vleisbeeste. Die...
Vleis van Veld – Johan Mouton
Vleis van Veld - Johan Mouton Die grootste komponent van rooivleis wat...
Dierevoeding in praktyk – Molatek Meestersklas
Deur Johan Mouton, bestuurder navorsing en produkontwikkeling, Molatek Tydens...
Voerkrale vereis die soort kalwers
Molasses meal, a by-product of the sugar-making process, is often added to animal feeds due to the high nutritional value and there are many advantages to…

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